Safe and Sound Protocol
Nervous System Reset

Thanks to Dr. Porges' research and innovation with the Polyvagal Theory, the SSP is a simple but powerful tool that helps our bodies and minds experience a calmer state.
The Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) is a music therapy designed to help calm down our nervous system.
Through specially designed frequencies that stimulate the vagus nerve, the music helps our bodies relax and feel safe.
Our nervous system is like a big switchboard in our body that controls how we feel and react to things. When we are in a state of reactivity, it’s like our nervous system switchboard is stuck in “fight, flight, or freeze” mode.
This results in stress, anxiety, or feeling on edge.
The SSP helps to reset this switchboard.
The SSP is a powerful but simple intervention that can move us out of a state of reactivity… reducing anxiety, improving focus, and helping with social skills. Among many more benefits!
Interested in taking the steps to reset your nervous system?
Fill out the form below!